Everyone can make a legacy! - Legacy Week

Everyone can make a legacy! - Legacy Week

The Biodiversity Centre has a huge legacy of wildlife sightings dating back to the 1800s and is one of the biggest ways our supporters can make a difference in future conservation.

Every wildlife sighting that is shared with us is stored safely for the future and is used to monitor population trends and support protected areas.

A sightings added today will be in our hand for years to come – so everyone can leave a legacy. We currently have some large datasets of wildlife sightings from individuals who have dedicated their entire lives to recording wildlife. Our team is ensuring that their hard word and science is being archived so it can be used in conservation today and in years to come.

We want to thank everyone who is sharing their wildlife sightings or donated their historic paper records for archiving. Without your support and dedication to Jersey Wildlife we could not be here today. You are making a huge difference to supporting protected areas in our island and in species monitoring. 

Share your wildlife sighting recent or historic here


toad on hand
Sarah Maguire